Covered in ECM

R_000008 2024-03-06 C64 Graphic (ECM) Tools: PETSCII Editor Get it from

What's CSDb thinking about it

jmin (07.03.2024)

Yeah, readability would definitely be even harder if it was a scroller. Not even a slow & smooth scrolling would help, I guess but then again, I don't know anything in this regard really :D

As the little details have been mentioned twice now, I had a (differently colored) 10char version first but it felt in a way too clean and my noob pixeling brain went in "add moar details"-mode and I've tried to give it a worn down look without adding too much (well, I'm not really good at placing single pixels yet anyway, so yes, that white thingy sitting on the M is indeed a pigeon for those wondering).

I take, claiming "it's 10 chars only" could have been the wiser and more impressive choice. In this regard, thanks for the feedback!

Wile Coyote (07.03.2024)

The 'J' could use some work to look like a 'J'. Just sayin.
What is the purpose of all the small random pixels sprinkled around the image?
..the group on pixels sitting on top of the 'M' could be a little bird.

Joe (07.03.2024)

Unreadable? Lol! "jmin" it spells ;D

Scrap (07.03.2024)

winner in any unreadable scroller compo

Mixer (07.03.2024)

This could become a nice scroller.

fieserWolf (06.03.2024)

I really like it except for the artifacts

jmin (06.03.2024)

Haven't done anything in multi-color so far.
Guess, this one's a bit "too less hi-res" to win over multi-color then? Had a version with more dithering for the lines but it looked awful.

Oswald (06.03.2024)

clever but multicolour could do it aswell, except that small black logo.