C'est Ne Pas PETSCII

R_000009 2024-03-12 C64 Graphic (ECM) Tools: PETSCII Editor Get it from CSDb.dk

What's CSDb thinking about it

Joe (12.03.2024)


jmin (12.03.2024)

Here's the correct release => <CSDb release (240341)>.

Matt (12.03.2024)

Don't worry. My english skills suck shit also. I kinda like it this way, it's cute :-)

jmin (12.03.2024)

Of course *facepalm*.
Coffee or not, I def shouldn't trust my french skills. Will fix that too.

Matt (12.03.2024)

You mean 'Ceci n'est pas PETSCII'

jmin (12.03.2024)

@hedning: Will do, sry. No more "releasing stuff before having my morning coffee" for me.

hedning (12.03.2024)

jmin: New file, new release. Create a new entry for the update pls.

jmin (12.03.2024)

Looks like I've uploaded the wrong version, the greens should be swapped /o\

Can't check the .prg right now; will update it later today.