
R_000018 2024-08-20 C64 Graphic (PETSCII) Tools: PETSCII Editor Get it from CSDb.dk

How it started

This time, it started out with just the most basic shapes there is, a square.

Well, several squares and they're all tilted creating a dull pattern which can only be elevated by shifting those squares around a bit.

Having all the squares the same size was boring, so I've made 1x1, 2x2 and 3x3 ones which would also allow for a more mixed up placement. While shifting those tilted squares around, a curve showed up which then turned into an C. Ah! that's not a C that's gonna be a C=

Lunch breaks is over but the idea was there, even with some bells & whistles. The overall shape needs to be worked on though, but that shouldn't take long.

Back at home, some more tweaks getting the C a bit rounder. At this point, it was not only tilted but also shifted which IMHO created a really neat look, but in the end didn't work out with creating a big C= logo.

Here's two variants:

Now, let's unshift those squares again and call it a day.


Again, a very, very fast pic which maybe could be pushed a bit further, but then again, all it needs is there. Working with an instantaneously recognizable logo comes with a lot of benefits, and paying tribute in form of a PETSCII was zen.

Post release notes

Jep, missed a line there, front & center, but then again, it's front & center and thus not really where one's focus lies. Anyway, not sure if it was due to changing my output process (PETSCII Editor produces 10k files, so I've tried out other tools for creating a smaller .prg) or just the late hour. Here's how a fixed version looks:

What's CSDb thinking about it

jmin (28.08.2024)

@Elko Keeping it simple is almost always a fight worth fighting. Wish, the mono-colored version had worked out but it was missing, well, something.

Elko (27.08.2024)

Simple but recogniseable, sometimes less is more.

MMS+4 (22.08.2024)

I agree with the previous comments, it could be a basis of a fantastic animated PETCII

El Jefe (22.08.2024)

The squares could be wobbling (as in growing and shrinking) and then of course I would like to see a rotation on the whole logo :-)

Katon (22.08.2024)

Super !

jmin (21.08.2024)

@Dano: go for it and don't forget to share a photo of you wearing the shirt :D

Dano (21.08.2024)

This is really awesome.

Really need to try to upscale this and print it on a t-shirt via Spreadshirt.

jmin (21.08.2024)

Thanks, everyone!

@chancer: not sure what kind of wobble you mean, but feel free to pick it up and wobble it :)

Chancer (21.08.2024)

nice.. maybe it it would look like with a wobble on it also?!?!

4gentE (21.08.2024)

Wow nice!

bepp (21.08.2024)


Rebel 1 (21.08.2024)

I didn't realise at first that it is PETSCII. Insanely good!

Flotsam (21.08.2024)

Awesome petscii!

jab (21.08.2024)


Apprentix (21.08.2024)


El Jefe (21.08.2024)

Awesome! <3