I'm a nerd living in Vienna, Austria and host of this site.
Back in 1988, my brothers and I found a Commodore C64 under the christmas tree and I've been a fan ever since. Took me 35 years to release something though.
On this site, I'm collecting all the work that I've done on the Commodore 64, starting with pictures in various formats but also my journey into assembler programming.
Need more infos? Dive into this interview that Vandalism News did with me in Summer 2024.
Woke up and stumbled head-over-heels into a live-pixeling compo at Fjälldata 2025. Came up with some Taunting Hands.
Goerp did a small demo celebrating 65536 members in Airwolf/F4CG's Facebook group "Commodore 64 (C64)". There's a PETSCII from my end in the demo.
Got asked to do an interview for Vandalism News and had a real blast mumbling about me stumblin' into the C64 scene. Here's the full transkript.
OK, here's not a pic but something completely different: code! Yes, I've turned 4gentE's gfx Among the Living into a Smileymation.
Joined the PETSCII compot at Syntax 2024 with my pic of a Drop Bear titled Beware! and reached #4.
The results for the C64GFX.com Game Loading Screen Compo 2024 are in and my MDK pic won the HiRes category. Only four entries though and to put it in perspective, it placed 18th out of the 36 entries overall. Anyway, weeeee \o/
Doodeling turned into release with my submisson for the "Loading Screen" compo. It's the 90's PC hit MDK.
Couldn't resist making a "Tapper x Rebel1" mash-up.
Quick lunch break doodle that turned into a tilted C= logo.
Sent out some love to the Scene in form of 64K Hearts.
Addes some videos taken from party streams to Hyperdrive Monkey and It's full of Stars as well as a recording of my Color GP PETSCII logo based intro by Spider-J.
Joined the PETSCII compot at Pågadata 2024 with my MultiColor PETSCII pic Hyperdrive Monkey where it placed #9.
Wrote up how Beneath the Waves came to be.
My Color GP PETSCII logo was turned into an intro my Spider-J and then this intro got used by G*P. Wow!
Released a Genesis Project logo done in PETSCII.
Goerp reached out to me about joining forces by becoming a member of the Fantastic 4 Cracking Group. I've been in touch with him and ChristopherJam over at Twitter for some time and his proposal of joining a laid back group that's in for the fun sounded just right. Looking forward to the first group meeting.
Sent my It's full of Stars pic to the Moonshine Dragons 2024 party where it placed #12.
The results for the C64GFX.com CharSet Logo Compo 2024 are in and guess what; I've cracked the Top 10!
Full results can be found on csdb.dk and here's my contributions:
OK, this is kinda meta but the news section you're reading just now was added.
Finished and released a new logo dubbed Sliced Color Grating.
Wrote up how Mixin' Maze came to be.
Comments posted on CSDb.dk are now shown in the Showroom pages.
Released my conversion of panel from Sam Kieth' The Maxx.
jmin.at went online \o/
Raistlin — whom I've been following on twitter due to his C64 coding blog and C64 GFX site — startet a C64 graphics compo where non-sceners where explicitly invited to join.
"Well, why the hell not" was my reaction and boom, now I'm not only playing old games on the breadbin but also try to be an active member of the scene.
The first two pix had been pixeled rather quickly and guess what, doing PETSCII is rather addictive. Thanks to the wide range of tools available, doing some doodles is possible no matter where I am and thus quickly found its way into my usual schemes.
Submitting more and more pix to the compo lead to me being added to the C64 Scene Database and thus a handle was needed for myself.
First, I thought I'd go with just Benjamin (hence the first two pix being signed that way), but that's neither cool nor short. Also, there are a lot of Bens already on CSDb, so I've thought why not skip the Ben-part, just like Topher Grace is skipping his Chris. So, Jamin, huh? Thinking in PETSCII and pixels, the 'a' is a tough character so let's skip that one too.
jmin, all just straight lines, I could work with and live with.
Before you ask, I haven't said jmin out loud yet, so I'm not sure if it's more of a jay-min or a jammin; we'll get back to that in the future, OK?